
His personal opinion.

This is the response my friend wrote, replying to an email I sent him. The original email link he sent me can be viewed below "GOP Reps. bans dirty words". What follows the link is my response to the article and his subject line:
Why I hate Republicans

I don't fully agree with his stance, but he makes a valid point or two.
My friends a good guy. I just have to remember never to let him babysit.

Why is anyone still afraid of these seven "dirty" words? Why are we
still assigning them any kind of power? Hopefully, if and when I have
kids, they won't be so dim-witted that they wouldn't be able to understand
that they can use these words whenever they wish, but if they care to
appear "civilized" before certain small-minded people and avoid being
penalized by conservative teachers, they should refrain from using them
until they are around a group that doesn't see the harm in seven silly
words that merely describe human functions. They would be able to weigh
the pros and cons of employing their use. If they were to hear them a
couple of times on a TV show, I dont really see the big deal. If a
parent feels the show is stringing together too many obscenities, they
can change the channel. Believe me, I've heard much worse than the
phrase fucking brilliant from kindergarten through high school.

Again, these are merely words. I would not freak out if I was at a ball
game with my kids and someone was shouting profanities. I almost expect
that sort of thing to happen at a sporting event where overzealous,
screwbrained fans get drunk. I'd rather they hear dirty words from a
crazy, drunken fan than kkk-lite race theories from a conservative
drug-addict commentator. I have to clarify my original statement: I don't
really hate all Republicans -- just the ones trying to impose
puritanically-rooted limits on my life.


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