
American Idol

Let me throw my 2 cents in on the controversy. The two most prominent theories I've heard as to why the girl was kicked off yesterday are as follows.
1. The voters are racist, and don't want another black winner.
2. The voters are stupid.
Both of those answers could be true, but I offer a theory that I haven't heard on radio and TV. Could it possibly be that the three girls cancelled each other out in the voting? Think about it. They, by many accounts were the best three, and all are black females. Ryan did say it was the slimest margin ever, on who would go home. It wouldn't be that much of a leap, to assume (I hate that word, but it works) that the first girl of the three who was safe was close in the voting as well. Think about it, JPL's votes would must likely go to the red headed step-child. Everyone else would most likely keep their core voters. But the three divas would have to share the voters who would must likely vote for any one of them individually if the other two weren't in the competition. They are essentially fighting for the same slice of the pie. Everything will fall into balance once again when only one of them is left. I'll go out on a limb and say that the winner of the "diva vote" will win the competition. You can see where I'm going with this, I don't need to explain myself anymore. Throw your 8 cents in, and go buy yourself a stick of gum. I'm done.


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