
Howard Dean

This is the Cliff Notes version of Howard Dean's campaign.

"You see, I'm a doctor. So right off the bat, I'm smarter than you. So listen up and listen up good. Remember, I'm an outsider, and they are insiders. Outsider....Insider......Outsider......Insider......I'm the outsider, they're insiders. Right there, that says a lot about my candidacy"

Man in the back row
"Mr. Dean, what is your stance on..."

Dean interrupts his question
"Sit down, and shut up!! Thats enough out of you. You've had your say, now let me talk. First off its Dr. Dean, and don't forget it. Secondly, remember I'm the outsider. Ohh yeah, I said no to Iraq. Most of the other candidates said yes. No....Yes....No....Yes....I said no to Iraq, they said yes.

"Woman in front row"
"Dr. Dean, I'm a hispanic woman who would like to know your take on......

Dean interrupts her question
"Look I said it once and I'll say it again. I've got a black guy on the 5th floor of my building, and after doing some research. I found out the guy who makes my sandwiches is half Cuban. So your answer is yes, I will continue to help the black and hispanic people in our country achieve greatness. By the way Miss thank you for calling me Doctor."

Dean wrapping up his discussion with the audience
"So when you vote for Howard Dean, you vote for....
No to Iraq
Black Men on 5th floor, and latinos making sandwiches.

One last thing, I hate Bush and so should you. So vote for me!"


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