
Govener McQueery?

I dont get it, why resign. Clinton had his affair, why can't you have yours? So you porked someone. Big Deal!! So he was a guy. Big Deal!! So this person was allegedly still on the state payroll after he left a position appointed by you. What's the problem, I say!! In fact nowadays it looks like par for the course for politicians!! All kidding aside, good luck Jimbo. Your gonna need it. Well lets put it in perspective. It's not like you tried to persuade you wife into having sex with you in plain view at an NYC club. Wait a second...I think that was me. No no, now I remember. I was at LimeLight fall of '97 and everyone but me was having sex in public. I was too strung out on Crystal Meth and Zima to remember much, but that sounds about right to me. On second thought though I did try to persuade my wife into public sex. But she was spooked out by all the vendors and costume goers at the comic con. Ohh who am I kidding that never happend. She was dressed as Leia in the Jabba slave outfit, and I was Luke Skywalker decked out in the black duds. I was grooving with my Jedi powers, and she was asphyxiating me with the chain. Ahh NYC, how I miss thee.

Dan is in no way condoning or endorsing Gov. McGreevey's behavior. He just thinks its funny how easily you can turn McGreevey into McQueery. Thank you XD for pointing that out.



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