
I couldn't agree more.

The following is a response from Salome Gonzalez on my post entitled
The Problem with Dennis J. Kucinich

"Nothing in this country's history has radically developed and change the structure of our society. Ever meaningful change has bubbled up slowly, years and years in the making, building more and more pressure"

I have to disagree.� I think FDR and his New Deal completely changed the structure of our society. Going from "everyone for himself" to a social welfare state in about 4 years' time is a HUGE change in an incredibly short period of time that totally deviated the�direction in which the country was going. However, I think as bad as we like to say things are in this country right now, they're nowhere near as bad as they were when�FDR took over and 75% of the population was living well below the poverty level.� And as we all know, its desperate times that call for desperate measures and the country just isn't ready for a Kucinich.� Of COURSE we all want universal healthare and a universal kindergarten programs, free education, free this, free that, duh!� But so much of the country's economy rides on those issues, how are you going to barge on in and revamp the economy like that without sinking the country?�Sure it'd be great, but its completely unrealistic.� So yes, I wholeheartedly agree that Kucinich is just an extreme�that won't work.� In the beginning when Guy introduced me to him, he was so annoyed when I'd tell him that (cute as he may be) a vote for him was a "wasted" vote.� (I'm talking foaming at the mouth furious).� But, DUDE!!� Are you frickin kidding me?� If the goal is to get a Democrat back in the White House (and not another fucking millionaire, thankyouverymuch Mr. Kerry and Dr. Psycho), how the hell are you going to throw your vote away on someone who's ideas are so extreme that they don't have a shot in hell?� Anywhooo, those were my two cents.

Add one more to the long list of distinguished and well thought out remarks from NJCU (or if you prefer Jersey City State College) Alum.
-El Diaz-


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