I'm done with the GOP
For the record I am a registers Independent. My political views don't fit in any cookie cutter description of a political party. Recently though I can honestly and without shame say I was Republican Lite. Not Lieberman lite, super ultra light, with extra large filter. Historically I've identified more with the center/left of the Republican Party. But as of today I've lost any feelings I had for the GOP.
This ban on Gay marriage is the last straw for me. Government should not be involved in the business of whose marrying who. Last I checked this is a free country, and gays marrying has no adverse affect on anybody. It just blows my mind when people say shit like,"Gay marriages devalue my marriage." What devalued your marriage is the fact you fucked your mother, married her and now that kid is your half brother and son. Now thats devaluing marriage. Two queers getting hitched has no negative affect on Americans. Where as the mother-fucker in the above example, can cause serious damage in society. And Ohh by the way, its legal cause its a man and woman. Gimme a break I'm tired of the bullshit.
I do acknowledge that when America was founded its laws and values were Judeo Christian based. But that was over 200 years ago, the beauty of American is its ability to evolve and reshape to the peoples needs. If I remember my 3rd grade history correctly, isn't the Constitution a "Living and Breathing Document". For all intensive purposes this proposed amendment is legalized discrimination. This country was founded for the purpose of non-discrimination. As long as your not interfering with anyone else, do whatever the hell you want. Doesn't this amendment contradict that notion? Let me add...has in it crossed anyones mind that the notion of defining marriage in the Constitution is utterly ridicules to begin with? While we're at it, why dont we pass and amendment the defines what the definition of "sexual relations" is. Cause I've been really confused since the whole Clinton thing a few years back.