
Say it ain't so

1.Let me start off by saying that Kill Bill vol. 1 & 2 are great movies.............For Me To Poop On. I feel was falling asleep during the Vol.1 a few weeks back, and yesterday while watching Vol.2 it was no different. The sad part is I felt obligated to watch the second film. The reason being was, since I wasted my time watching Vol.1 I need to confirm my belief. My belief that the celluloid wasted on this film could have be put to better use. For instance it could have been used to film Scott Baio's comeback flick as an action star. I think American is due for a Scott Baio comeback, dont you? All kidding aside, it was a shitty movie of gargantuan nature.

2.What can I say I'm sucker for video games. I finally broke down, and purchased an Xbox. For those of you who don't know I vowed to never buy and Xbox. I'm no fan of Microsoft, which in this Windows world is a very hard thing to do. But I couldn't deny my primal urge to play on a graphically superior console. How could I say no to Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Prince of Persia for $20 each. How could I resist with Xia's employee discount? She gets 15% off purchases at Gamestop. In FL that translates into offsetting sales tax, and 8% off the purchase price. My purchase was also partially spurred on by the fact that the next generation consoles by Sony and Microsoft will be way to expensive. The trend is to create consoles that are entertainment systems as well. You know video games, internet, TiVo, and HD compatibility in one machine. Thus making them a lot more expensive. Early word is next-gen consoles will go for around $500, maybe $400 if we're lucky. Anyone have Xbox game recommendations, excluding Football? NFL Street is all you need to get your football fix on. I got it for $20 on eBay. I'm looking forward to Fable, and X-Men Legends. Both of those games looks real good.


NJ Corruption

Man Sought $50M From McGreevey, Aides Say
By JOHN P. McALPIN, Associated Press Writer
I just hope if the allegations of corruption are true, he goes down with the rest of his buddies.

Speaking of corruption in NJ, a few weeks ago I was show a little website called InsideUnionCity.com. I was informed that its basically a forum for residents of Union City to voice their anger toward current city officials. It turns out a portion of city employees are displeased with the current (corrupt) administration. Rumor has it this site is run by someone working for those officials. This is their way of voicing their opinion anonymously, for fear of retribution. The meat and potatoes of the site is the message board. I suggest you check it out if your looking for some insight on Union City politics.


Govener McQueery?

I dont get it, why resign. Clinton had his affair, why can't you have yours? So you porked someone. Big Deal!! So he was a guy. Big Deal!! So this person was allegedly still on the state payroll after he left a position appointed by you. What's the problem, I say!! In fact nowadays it looks like par for the course for politicians!! All kidding aside, good luck Jimbo. Your gonna need it. Well lets put it in perspective. It's not like you tried to persuade you wife into having sex with you in plain view at an NYC club. Wait a second...I think that was me. No no, now I remember. I was at LimeLight fall of '97 and everyone but me was having sex in public. I was too strung out on Crystal Meth and Zima to remember much, but that sounds about right to me. On second thought though I did try to persuade my wife into public sex. But she was spooked out by all the vendors and costume goers at the comic con. Ohh who am I kidding that never happend. She was dressed as Leia in the Jabba slave outfit, and I was Luke Skywalker decked out in the black duds. I was grooving with my Jedi powers, and she was asphyxiating me with the chain. Ahh NYC, how I miss thee.

Dan is in no way condoning or endorsing Gov. McGreevey's behavior. He just thinks its funny how easily you can turn McGreevey into McQueery. Thank you XD for pointing that out.



Less is Moore Part 2

I shamefully admit I have not seen Fahrenheit 9/11 yet, and don't know if I'll see it in the theater. But in the interests of starting up a conversation, I've decided to go back to a controversial subject. Below you will find two articles that dispute the so called facts of Fahrenheit 9/11. Lets say the following authors arguments are 100% correct. How will that affect Moore's film and future projects? The documentary status gets blown up right? His career is over, because of his lies in a movie about exposing lies of an administration? Nope, none of that will happen, and I'll tell you why. Moore's films are driven by human emotions, not facts. His film could be 100% lies and still be heralded for its content. I'm not saying Moore purposefully lies, but he aims for the heart and anything else is a miss. The goal of his films are to invoke emotion, anger, and then action. He is like that High School football coach everyone envisions in their mind. Standing on a stool in the locker room yelling and screaming at the team. Reminding them how their opponent whooped their asses last year, and he won't let it happen again, can't let it happen again. He gets the kids blood boiling before releasing them out onto the field, to kick some ass. Moore is that guy, firing up the troops against Bush and releasing them out into the streets and polling booths come Nov. 2nd. In the end Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11 could be all lies, but if it strikes a cord with audiences then it has served its purpose.

"Warning, below may be the writings of two right wing nutbags. Proceed with caution. I've included an excerpt of each article"

Unfairenheit 9/11
The lies of Michael Moore.
By Christopher Hitchens

"More interesting is the moment where Bush is shown frozen on his chair at the infant school in Florida, looking stunned and useless for seven whole minutes after the news of the second plane on 9/11. Many are those who say that he should have leaped from his stool, adopted a Russell Crowe stance, and gone to work. I could even wish that myself. But if he had done any such thing then (as he did with his "Let's roll" and "dead or alive" remarks a month later), half the Michael Moore community would now be calling him a man who went to war on a hectic, crazed impulse. The other half would be saying what they already say that he knew the attack was coming, was using it to cement himself in power, and couldn't wait to get on with his coup."

Fifty-nine Deceits in Fahrenheit
9/11 By Dave Kopel

"2000 Election Night
Deceits 1-2
Fahrenheit 9/11 begins on election night 2000. We are first shown Al Gore rocking on stage with famous musicians and a high-spirited crowd. The conspicuous sign on stage reads "Florida Victory." Moore creates the impression that Gore was celebrating his victory in Florida. moor's voiceover claims, "And little Stevie Wonder, he seemed so happy, like a miracle had taken place." The verb tense of past perfect ("had taken") furthers the impression that the election has been completed.
Actually, the rally took place in the early hours of election day, before polls had even opened. Gore did campaign in Florida on election day, but went home to Tennessee to await the results. The "Florida Victory" sign reflected Gore�s hopes, not any actual election results"