
South Park

I've been wanting to talk about South Park on this blog for some time now. But never really got around to it. I have talked about it with Xia, and just today she sent me this article from the NY Times. Basically this is my stance. If you can't recognize the brilliance of South Park, you need your brain examined. Of course some people will be turned off by its vulgarity, and not see anything going on other then fart jokes. But I'm not talking about them. I'm talking about people who watch it, and dont get it. People who walk away mildly amused after watching an episode, and not get it. What is it, well South Park has it, and its not easily described. But, Virginia Heffernan gets it, and nails it right on the head.


American Idol

Let me throw my 2 cents in on the controversy. The two most prominent theories I've heard as to why the girl was kicked off yesterday are as follows.
1. The voters are racist, and don't want another black winner.
2. The voters are stupid.
Both of those answers could be true, but I offer a theory that I haven't heard on radio and TV. Could it possibly be that the three girls cancelled each other out in the voting? Think about it. They, by many accounts were the best three, and all are black females. Ryan did say it was the slimest margin ever, on who would go home. It wouldn't be that much of a leap, to assume (I hate that word, but it works) that the first girl of the three who was safe was close in the voting as well. Think about it, JPL's votes would must likely go to the red headed step-child. Everyone else would most likely keep their core voters. But the three divas would have to share the voters who would must likely vote for any one of them individually if the other two weren't in the competition. They are essentially fighting for the same slice of the pie. Everything will fall into balance once again when only one of them is left. I'll go out on a limb and say that the winner of the "diva vote" will win the competition. You can see where I'm going with this, I don't need to explain myself anymore. Throw your 8 cents in, and go buy yourself a stick of gum. I'm done.


"Looking for Fidel"

This documentary is directed by Oliver Stone, and is a follow-up to his 2003 film, "Comandante". I caught the last 10-15 minutes of it this morning before going to work. The film looks very interesting and I'm super eager to watch it in its entirety. "Comandante" has never been aired for various reasons, but word on the street was that Stone was way to easy on Fidel. This time around, according to The Hollywood Reporter Stone has a different approach. I think its called, NOT BEING A ROMANTICIZING CLOSET COMMUNIST FUCKER. That being said I'll wait to watch it myself before coming to any conclusions. I'll say one thing about Stone with certainty, after watching an interview he did with Charlie Rose. He seems to be of the mind set that other countries due worse, and Cuba isn't that bad. He said things along the lines of "Argentina and Guatemala have committed a lot more atrocities toward its people, and Cuba pales in comparison." He goes soft on Cuba because other countries have a worse record. That's like justifying a rape, by saying,"well at least he did kill her". Bottom line, I'm gonna watch it, and I hope you do as well. Here is the schedule.

PS I think Stone reads the "The Daily Worker". If anyone can tell me what I'm referring to, you are officially the man.

You gotta see this

I've heard of this site in passing, but today I checked it out myself. Behold the glory of the subservient chicken.



A Fair and Balanced look at internet spoofs

This first one is called Bush Shoot-Out: Starring President Bush and Condoleezza Rice. You can find it at Miniclip

For the Kerry fans, or should I say Bush haters you can go here.

They are both very funny.


Tag Board

Looks like we are back up.


Tag Board is down..

I'll try to get it back up ASAP, but it all depends on customer support.

One more thing

I hate the fact that my blog looks different on each computer I've viewed it on. On my mac @ home it looks perfect. At work the two different computers look totally different. The fonts on the left column are way to big. Does anyone have suggestions for a solution? I bet it has to do with screen resolution.

A couple of things..

1. A fucking roach, the size of a cat, just crawled across my office. I'm really grossed out. The thing was huge. That mother eats with a fork and knife, no joke.

2. The Tag Board doesn't seem to work from my computer @ work. Does anyone else have this problem?

3. When did poker become such a bigtime "sport"? It seems like everyone and their mothers are playing on TV. It making my feel like I'm missing something I should not be without. Damn TV advertising, they've got my soul.


new blog, new game

As you can see I'm in the process of changing up my blog. The colors aren't permanent, just dont feel like finishing up tonight. But before I go, I'd like to start up a new game. You'll notice a cool new tag board on the left of the page. Well it comes with a feature to block whatever words I deem to be off limits for my board. This is your challenge, you must find the curse word that I have blocked.
Here are your clues....

1. Its a two word curse ie. fuck face
2. My friends and I have used it, and laughed our asses off when we first heard it.

You'll know when you've won when you cant post the words on the board. Just repost with dashes replacing some of the letters ie. fu-k fa-e, or post it in my guest book. Hope you have as much fun playing, as I did thinking it up. :>


Jim Lee's Superman is a bad ass

If he can't get you to buy Superman books, nothing will.

A quick confession

I've keep this secret long enough. I am Eddie Veder. I am Freddie Mercury. I am Miles Davis. I couldn't resist, it was a slow day at work.



I need your help.

Anyone who spots something on Che Guevara please inform me. I don't care if its on paper, TV, DVD, or web. Let me know. If you see a TV show and somebody's wearing a Che shirt, make a note and drop me a line. Even if its Che like, ie Madonna's last album cover, or mock up of a picture of Che with a different face. I've seen it a few times using Cher, and Margeret Cho. Their are even Che and Jesus comparisons out their. I've been collecting news clippings, TV clips, etc. since my senior thesis. I'm in the process of going over everything I have and it dawned on me to ask friends and family to keep an eye out for me. I don't care if its pro or anti Che, let me know. I can obtain a copy of just about anything on TV through a service. I'll I need is date/time/station. I'm starting to warm up again with my project, any help is greatly appreciated.

Condoleezza Rice what a..........

I'm watching the 9/11 commission, and I'm reminded of something from a year or so ago. At NJCU Amiri Baraka was giving a performance/discussion concerning Somebody Blew Up America , and I attended. Baraka criticize Rice, among others. Watching this just reminded me of that day, and his catchy phrases. I'd figure I'd throw it out their if anyone is interested. The following is the excerpt, you can find the whole thing here SBUA.

"Who do Tom Ass Clarence Work for
Who doo doo come out the Colon's mouth
Who know what kind of Skeeza is a Condoleeza
Who pay Connelly to be a wooden negro
Who give Genius Awards to Homo Locus"



SI Link Wireless

SI Link Wireless FM Music Adapter is a must have if you own an mp3 player. Basically its a FM transmitter that plugs in through the headphone jack of any CD/MP3/Cassette Player. You then tune in your home or car stereo to the corresponding FM frequency you set on the transmitter. Magically you have your tunes being broadcasted through your home/car speakers. Product description and FM stations available are listed below. Don't buy if you have a strong signal on the stations listed. You'll probably have difficulty getting good reception. If your OK on the FM end, SI-Link gets my thumbs up.SI Link

I'm Back

In honor of a one month absence from posting to my blog, I am returning. Much like my college days, I'm not keeping up with my assignments. Now lets get back into the action. First off some review that I've been lagging on.
Lost in Translation has gotten a lot of press and praise, and deservedly so, if you like being bored during a movie. The movie does a great job of making you feel like the characters on screen. The problem is nobody wants to feel that way. Coppola beautifully projects the characters feelings of isolationism/boredom onto the viewer. Is a riveting story? NO. Are the locations and cinematography beautiful? Yes. Is the acting good? Absolutely. Is the script top notch? For the subject matter, Yes. But I feel this is a movie where its parts are greater then its sum. Pick it up if you wanna marinate in depression.
Bend it Like Beckham, simply put its a great movie. Anyone in one form or another can relate to this film. In general the film has gotten its due, but you gotta go and pick it up. Bend it is a feel good movie.