
Been a Long time....

Lets see whats been going on lately. Well work at the stadium has been fun. Last week I worked 5 of 7 games at home. Needless to day I was tired as hell when that streak went by. Looking forward to that check coming next week. Last Saturday, boy did I party. After a rain delayed game, Xia and I went to Ft. Lauderdale to hang with a coworker of mine. Had a great time, cant remember much, but a great time nonetheless. I do remember one thing, and today it pissed me off. After the bar we went to eat at a diner. When I went up to pay, the lady said they didn't except credit cards. She suggested that I pull the money from an ATM. An ATM that was convent's located right behind me. Today the ATM fee showed up on my bank statement online. Combined it was a $3 charge to use that ATM, but something else really got to me. The diner owned the ATM. So they're making money, by having an ATM in the diner, and not excepting credit cards. That shit pissed me off.
I've come to the conclusion that I will only go to see two types movie at the thwarter. Event films, in which you'll miss out by not seeing it on the big screen, and comedies. Any other genre of film, I'll wait till it gets to DVD. Movies are way to expensive now. The way studios advertise via trailers and cross promotion, they make shitty films look really good. I not willing to waste my money on films that don't lose anything by being seen at home. I've been following this mantra for some time now, and its worked great. As a result the last bunch of movies I've at seen have been: Troy, Harry Potter, and LOTR 3.
Its been a long time and their is more to come....


Lets give thanks to D-day and Reagan

If it wasn't for the 60th anniversary of D-Day(I had a ball watching History channel all weekend), or Reagans passing, this weekend would be different. This weekend we would have been bombarded by images and interviews about J.Lo's and Marc Anthony's wedding. So I salute you, soldiers and President Reagan. I salute you for having the foresight, and saving American from the media overload that would have been if not for your efforts. Maybe the US Navy can resume the target practice from Puerto Rico and aim for J.Lo's ass, and Anthonys ego. Here is a quick article on Reagan.


This post wrote itself

This was the response to a question a friend asked in an email.

> 4. How goes things?

Other than Xia hating her job, pretty good. :) Xia and I are getting looks when we're going out. Me, the only brown haired albino, and Xia the female equivalent of George Hamil. I worked my first Marlin game a week or two back. Got chewed out in the control room for fucking up. It was a big mess. I was pretty embarrassed. The producer came downstairs and yelled a lot, and all I remember him saying was "Do you want me to get fucking fired?" If you would have heard the chatter on the headsets when I sent the wrong clip on screen..Well let me put it this way, I sounded like I just launched an inadvertent nuclear strike on Miami. Their was a lot of "What the fuck", and "Holy Shit". It was like in the movies where total chaos has begun and everyone is talking at once. Its funny now, but while it was going on, it was bad. Basically it went down like this. The guy who was training me, Mario, just learned how to use the system the night before. They called him in to show me how to do. During pre-game he fucked up a couple of times, by not bring it clips on time. When the game started he posted a few batters late. So by the third inning the producer, had already made a few comments over the headset to tighten it up in Ad-Serv. After watching Mario for all this time I jumped in sometime after the third inning. During the fourth, I posted a batter to the scoreboard too quickly. Your supposed to wait till the PA announcer call the next batter or wait till the directors que, whichever comes first. When I posted the batter it was about ten seconds after the previous out, but before anyone called it. The producer questioned why Lorreta was posted, and asked what was going on. He was annoyed at that point. The fire and brimstone rained upon me during the 5th inning break. I sent a video clip to the scoreboard way to early. I thought I heard my que, and I clicked on the icon. Well it was a get ready que, not the go que. That is when the shit hit the fan.

So how was your week?