I don't think it looks all that great. I'll wait to make my final judgement. Who knows maybe this is a prelimenary outfit. You know what does look good though.....the teaser trailer.
d generation is the everchanging landscape of my life and mind. if its worth talking about, it'll be in the blog. your encouraged to write responses or suggestions for all to see. the ultimate goal with d generation is to build a community. one where ideas can flow freely on one post, alongside a list of stanley kubricks best films.
I don't think it looks all that great. I'll wait to make my final judgement. Who knows maybe this is a prelimenary outfit. You know what does look good though.....the teaser trailer.
Part 2
This next animation is pretty good. I just makes me laugh. Lets get it on. Hope you like it. I don't know if its already made its way around the net.
Part 1
Apparently this animation has gotten a lot of attention. It's John Kerry, and Dubya's take on "This Land is my Land".
When did it become OK to perform in white face. Recently we've had White Chicks hit the big sceen as well as Jamie Foxx on the Espy awards portray "stereo typical" whites. The Waynes brothers doing the rich white valley girl thing, and Foxx the trailer trash mullet hair cut hick. Maybe a studio should get Jamie Kennedy to do "Malibu's Most Wanted 2" in black face. You know to give it more street cred. Wouldn't it be great if Eminem, wore black face and replaced P. Diddy in Raisin in the Sun. That be something right? It doesn't sit well with me that in this supposed age of enlightenment and political correctness that nothing has been said. Black face is offensive for a laundry list of reasons, but white face is just good old fashion fun. What happened to "do on to others, what you would want done to you?" I would say a majority of Americans, and a significant majority of Black America find black face offensive. Yet it seems that we (America) readily accept white face performances. I found this posting by Bryan Thomas, and I believe his feelings on black face are held by the majority.
The one thing that pisses me off about Farenheight 911 is its classification. Documentary, you gotta be kidding me. Look at the following definition of documentary courtesy of Pay particular attention to the highlighted portion.
Consisting of, concerning, or based on documents.
Presenting facts objectively without editorializing or inserting fictional matter, as in a book or film.
n. pl.
A work, such as a film or television program, presenting political, social, or historical subject matter in a factual and informative manner and often consisting of actual news films or interviews accompanied by narration.
I don't care what side of the fence your on, there are a few things that cannot be disputed. For the record, I have not seen the film. I'm going by what I've read and heard, mostly CNN commentary, and friends / co-workers.
Moore's film seems to be a quasi-documentary, combining elements of documentary, and personal film making. He presents things in factual, and informative manner, but editorializes at the same time. For me, as a wanna-be documentary filmmaker, that's a big no no. True documentaries cannot be skewed, in any way shape or form. The word "documentary" carries a weight to it on it's self. It must be presented in a manner showing all sides and blemishes. One must not be skewed during the production process of what to include/exclude. To be a true documentary you must remove one's own point of view as much as possible. The facts are what determine the outcome of your film. It's my understanding the Moore does enough in his film to throw that equation off. Documentaries are based on the totality of facts. Not some facts, not your favorite facts, the totality of facts. While Moore's film may be very good, and strike up conversations, in my view it is no documentary.
Miami is a strange town.
1. Its the poorest major city in the nation, yet I have never seen so many Jaguars on the road.
2. We are 1,500 miles away from NY, and every Italian restaurant is like a NY Italian restaurant. Shit I found one today that's better than any place I've been to back north.
3. The fastest cars on the road are the shittiest looking ones. I swear to you I saw a 1986 Honda CRX blazing by at 150mph.
4. McDonald's sell Cuban sandwiches. Wow...
Xia is a blogging machine. I've been telling her about blogging for months saying that she would love it. Well about two weeks ago she tried it out, and is hooked. Check it out xiadiaz
Someone in our Louisville office tried to throw me under the bus for something they fucked up on. After a day and a half of going back and fourth via email, I was cleared of all wrong doing. I don't mind if people lie to cover their ass. But when you put the blame on someone else on purpose, that pisses me off.
If you haven't been to atomfilms in awhile, you gotta stop by. They have some good stuff, and I think they're running a Star Wars Fan Film Festival.