
Where else on the web?

Where else on the web can you find such a meandering blog? Over the last few weeks I've written about Dean, Kucinich, posted an Ultimate Challenge, linked up with Halo animation, followed a series of articles by Nat Hentoff, posted a discussion on 7 dirty words, posted a couple of quizzilla quizzes, linked you up to itunes, hooked you up with movie and product reviews, and created my own fucking terror alert game. So show me some love and let me know how I'm doing.

Site Update:

-Question of the week will be posted by the 27th, be prepared. Xia told me not to ask the question, but I feel it will get great responses once you hear mine.

-Ultimate Challenge is still on, Guy is winning by default, but I'm expecting a strong entry (Cal).

-If you have Cinemax, watch on Feb. 13th great movie called Horns and Halos. I have a link on the right.

Not to long ago I finished reading Animal Farm by George Orwell.
Do yourself the favor and read it, you can't go wrong.


The Blood Gulch Chronicles

On the right hand side of this blog you'll see an updated version of
do yourself the favor. It will be featuring an internet based series called The Blood Gulch Chronicles. The Chronicles are a collection of animated shorts using Halo (yes, Xbox's Halo video game) to tell the gap story in between Halo 1 and the soon to be released Halo 2. The website redvsblue is bare bones and a little hard to navigate through, but you should be able to find your way to the episodes. Currently they are up to episode 22, and you have a choice of viewing them in either DivX or Quicktime. My understanding is that the site posts news episodes every Sunday, and will soon feature an archive for season 1 episodes. So far I've seen 2 or 3 episodes, and I must say they have their high and low points. Overall, if your into media/film, you should definitely check it out. BTW, I also posted two articles related to The Blood Gulch Chronicles, one of them is from the one and only Ed Halter


The Power of Guy

Not only does my man have his own blog, www.loudpoet.com. He comes through with an entry for mine. Here is his submission for d generation's Ultimate Challenge.


1. Because you'd like to see him elected legitimately this time.

2. Because women have too much control over their own bodies.

3. Because affirmative action is reverse racism and slavery was a long time ago.

4. Because you are a CEO or other high-ranking corporate executive.

5. Because you're single with no kids and drive an SUV.

6. Because you can afford your own health insurance, have significant money in the stock market and/or send your kids to parochial school.

7. Because those uncivilized Arabs need a Starbucks, Wal-Mart and McDonald's on every corner.

8. Because the Pentagon is strapped for cash.

9. Because Corporate America has the people's best interests at heart.

10. Because it will take at least another four years to find those weapons of mass destruction Saddam used against us on 9/11.


Ultimate challenge

I challenge any one of my faithful readers to write a paragraph/essay on why I should vote for George W. Bush. I don't want Bush hate mail on why not to vote for him, thats to easy. I want reasons to vote for dubbya. So pretend I'm an undecided voter and convince me. The winner will receive a real prize, something that I will ship to their household. I'm looking for quality answers. I encourage all to participate. You have one week to send in your entries. You can email them to me or leave your entry in my guestbook. All entries will be posted for all to see. Good luck.
-El Diaz-

I couldn't agree more.

The following is a response from Salome Gonzalez on my post entitled
The Problem with Dennis J. Kucinich

"Nothing in this country's history has radically developed and change the structure of our society. Ever meaningful change has bubbled up slowly, years and years in the making, building more and more pressure"

I have to disagree.� I think FDR and his New Deal completely changed the structure of our society. Going from "everyone for himself" to a social welfare state in about 4 years' time is a HUGE change in an incredibly short period of time that totally deviated the�direction in which the country was going. However, I think as bad as we like to say things are in this country right now, they're nowhere near as bad as they were when�FDR took over and 75% of the population was living well below the poverty level.� And as we all know, its desperate times that call for desperate measures and the country just isn't ready for a Kucinich.� Of COURSE we all want universal healthare and a universal kindergarten programs, free education, free this, free that, duh!� But so much of the country's economy rides on those issues, how are you going to barge on in and revamp the economy like that without sinking the country?�Sure it'd be great, but its completely unrealistic.� So yes, I wholeheartedly agree that Kucinich is just an extreme�that won't work.� In the beginning when Guy introduced me to him, he was so annoyed when I'd tell him that (cute as he may be) a vote for him was a "wasted" vote.� (I'm talking foaming at the mouth furious).� But, DUDE!!� Are you frickin kidding me?� If the goal is to get a Democrat back in the White House (and not another fucking millionaire, thankyouverymuch Mr. Kerry and Dr. Psycho), how the hell are you going to throw your vote away on someone who's ideas are so extreme that they don't have a shot in hell?� Anywhooo, those were my two cents.

Add one more to the long list of distinguished and well thought out remarks from NJCU (or if you prefer Jersey City State College) Alum.
-El Diaz-

New Article by Nat Hentoff

This is another great article from Mr. Hentoff, about Castro's Cuba.
Bill Moyers Practicing Dissent


The problem with Dennis J. Kucinich....

I have a feeling I'm gonna hear from a couple of people after this entry. My commits are derived from readings on his website. Not this new version 2.0 that is now up, but the older one which in my opinion was more to the point on his stances.

Simply put, at this time our country is not ready to go in a quasi-socialistic direction. Kucinich wants to do too much, too fast. I'm not saying I disagree with the fellow, but his stances will fundamentally change America. Kucinich is not leaving a trail of crumbs for people to follow down his path. He's throwing the whole fruitcake at you, and tossing the decorative tin container it came in. Some people will go for this blunt approach, but most would prefer a gradual escalation. It's like getting your first driving lesson on the turnpike. Yeah, it's a hell of a way to learn, but you end up resenting being put in that situation for the rest of your life. You may have learned faster, and ultimately be a better driver because of it. But in your heart, you know eventually you would have gotten to that point without the stress and anxiety involved. That's Kucinich, pushing you into the express lane of the turnpike into socialism. As well intentioned he may be, it doesn't sit well with me and I'm sure with many others as well. Nothing in this country's history has radically developed and change the structure of our society. Ever meaningful change has bubbled up slowly, years and years in the making, building more and more pressure. Until one day, the bubble bursts and the supposed radical change occurs. The only thing radical about the change is that it really happened. It's been brewing and headed in that direction for years. So Mr. Kucinich I applaud you, and encourage you to keep reaching for your ultimate dream. Because as each day goes by, more and more people will copy your ideals and blend them into our society. Much like Microsoft copying the innovators at Apple. Come on, did you really think Microsoft thought up the idea of windows. Apple had it first, and does it better.


Howard Dean

This is the Cliff Notes version of Howard Dean's campaign.

"You see, I'm a doctor. So right off the bat, I'm smarter than you. So listen up and listen up good. Remember, I'm an outsider, and they are insiders. Outsider....Insider......Outsider......Insider......I'm the outsider, they're insiders. Right there, that says a lot about my candidacy"

Man in the back row
"Mr. Dean, what is your stance on..."

Dean interrupts his question
"Sit down, and shut up!! Thats enough out of you. You've had your say, now let me talk. First off its Dr. Dean, and don't forget it. Secondly, remember I'm the outsider. Ohh yeah, I said no to Iraq. Most of the other candidates said yes. No....Yes....No....Yes....I said no to Iraq, they said yes.

"Woman in front row"
"Dr. Dean, I'm a hispanic woman who would like to know your take on......

Dean interrupts her question
"Look I said it once and I'll say it again. I've got a black guy on the 5th floor of my building, and after doing some research. I found out the guy who makes my sandwiches is half Cuban. So your answer is yes, I will continue to help the black and hispanic people in our country achieve greatness. By the way Miss thank you for calling me Doctor."

Dean wrapping up his discussion with the audience
"So when you vote for Howard Dean, you vote for....
No to Iraq
Black Men on 5th floor, and latinos making sandwiches.

One last thing, I hate Bush and so should you. So vote for me!"


His personal opinion.

This is the response my friend wrote, replying to an email I sent him. The original email link he sent me can be viewed below "GOP Reps. bans dirty words". What follows the link is my response to the article and his subject line:
Why I hate Republicans

I don't fully agree with his stance, but he makes a valid point or two.
My friends a good guy. I just have to remember never to let him babysit.

Why is anyone still afraid of these seven "dirty" words? Why are we
still assigning them any kind of power? Hopefully, if and when I have
kids, they won't be so dim-witted that they wouldn't be able to understand
that they can use these words whenever they wish, but if they care to
appear "civilized" before certain small-minded people and avoid being
penalized by conservative teachers, they should refrain from using them
until they are around a group that doesn't see the harm in seven silly
words that merely describe human functions. They would be able to weigh
the pros and cons of employing their use. If they were to hear them a
couple of times on a TV show, I dont really see the big deal. If a
parent feels the show is stringing together too many obscenities, they
can change the channel. Believe me, I've heard much worse than the
phrase fucking brilliant from kindergarten through high school.

Again, these are merely words. I would not freak out if I was at a ball
game with my kids and someone was shouting profanities. I almost expect
that sort of thing to happen at a sporting event where overzealous,
screwbrained fans get drunk. I'd rather they hear dirty words from a
crazy, drunken fan than kkk-lite race theories from a conservative
drug-addict commentator. I have to clarify my original statement: I don't
really hate all Republicans -- just the ones trying to impose
puritanically-rooted limits on my life.

My personal opinion

The following is a response to an email I received today from a friend. The subject line was
Why I hate Republicans
In his email my friend provided this link.
GOP representative would ban dirty words from TV
My stance is, it's not a political thing, it's a people thing.
Here is my response.
Hey ---,
Your kidding right? Are you really upset about this proposal? According to this article this is a basic/status quo tightening of current law. Yes, you are correct that this is Censorship. All humans should have a fundamental right to free speech. But people seem to forget/neglect the existence of a fundamental rule of being part of a society. To be in/join a society, you must give up certain rights deemed uncivilized by that society. Currently in our society it is deemed as inappropriate to say fuck,cock- sucker, cock, shit, mother-fucker,etc.(piss, is stretching it, in my opinion) And it isn't a vast right wing conspiracy that proclaims these words as inappropriate for public airwaves. Its good old mom and pop, your local teacher, a guy @ a ballgame drinking a beer, with his kid sitting next to him.
You'd be hard pressed to find a 8th grade teacher not reprimanded a student for saying one of the 7 dirty words in class. I cant recall how many times I've been to games and heard people curse, and then other people shout back and ask them to cut it out because kids were around. I dont recall any person or parent taking care of a child correcting the kids pronunciation of cock-sucker. "No silly, it's not cook soccer, its cock-sucker. You have to emphasize the K sound." I seriously doubt these words have ever come out of a guardians mouth. The law applies to public airwaves, not HBO, not comedy clubs, public airwaves. The people setting the standards should not be interest groups for or against the use of this language. It should be regular everyday people. Writers,actors,radio personalities, and the like stand to gain the most. No restrictions give them a larger area to work in. The reality is their are plenty of areas to express your urge to curse. The public airwaves should reflect the populous opinion, and unless something has changed: shit, fuck, cock, mother-fucker, cock-sucker,etc. are considered words inappropriate in certain area's. In 20 years things might be different. Until then, watch your fucking language on the air. I'm tired now and going to sleep. I think I properly stated my opinion. I'm to tired to go back and re-write.


These articles are great reads!

American Library Association(ALA) is the worlds largest group of librarians with 64,000 members. In their everlasting fight for truth, justice, and the un-Ashcroft way, they have vehemently opposed Patriot Act 215. In Act 215, the FBI is allowed to visit your local library and show up with a list of books and have the librarian match the list of books with borrowers. In addition, the librarian cannot tell the press or the borrowers that this event has taken place. If librarians do not comply, they can be jailed. So you'd think the ALA would be outraged if a number of librarians were sent to jail. Well apparently they're not, cause those librarians aren't under the tyranny of Ashcroft. They're living in true tyranny in Cuba under Coma Andante Fidel Castro. Makes me wonder if the ALA really gives a shit about rights or just playing politics. Anything the ALA says about the Patriot Act is meaningless to me until they recognize the tyranny 90 miles away.

In Castro's Gulag-Librarians
Criminalizing Librarians

The following is a response by author Nat Hentoff to a letter he received concerning his articles.
A US Librarian Defends Castro